Home News GAIN Webinar 7 Explores Skills for a Greener Future: A Look Back and Ahead

GAIN Webinar 7 Explores Skills for a Greener Future: A Look Back and Ahead

by Celia

In the upcoming GAIN Webinar 7, the focus will be on the critical intersection between skills development and the Just Transition. Drawing from insights gleaned from the recently unveiled ILO report titled “Skills for a Greener Future,” the webinar aims to elucidate the imperative for robust skills development policies, enabling nations to harness employment prospects while mitigating the costs associated with the Just Transition.


Scheduled for October 10, 2019, from 11 am to 12 pm (GMT-3) or 4 pm to 5 pm (GMT+2, CEST), this event will delve into the anticipated upheavals within labor markets as societies pivot towards an inclusive and environmentally sustainable development paradigm. It is anticipated that this transition will usher in the creation of new job roles while rendering some existing ones obsolete. In navigating this transformative phase, the acquisition of appropriate skills will emerge as a linchpin for facilitating a productive green structural transformation.


The webinar will scrutinize the vital role of skills development policies in upskilling and reskilling the workforce, aligning skills supply with demand, and other pertinent factors crucial for managing the transition effectively. Anchored by insights from the comprehensive ILO report, which encompasses detailed country studies spanning 32 nations alongside rigorous multi-regional economic modeling, the webinar promises to offer nuanced perspectives on the skills imperative for green jobs.


Participants can expect a comprehensive overview of the report’s key findings, along with insights into the methodological underpinnings used to gauge skills requirements for green employment, applicable at both national and regional levels. The session will culminate with a 15-minute interactive Q&A segment, providing attendees with the opportunity to engage directly with experts in the field.


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