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What Legal Term Means Hold Harmless?

by Celia

Definition of “Hold Harmless”

In the realm of legal contracts and agreements, the term “hold harmless” stands as a crucial shield against potential liabilities and risks. At its core, a hold harmless clause or agreement denotes a contractual provision where one party agrees not to hold another party liable for potential damages, losses, or risks arising from a particular activity, relationship, or transaction. Essentially, it serves as a form of risk allocation, providing protection to one party while transferring or mitigating liability to another.


Types of Hold Harmless Agreements

Hold harmless agreements come in various forms, each tailored to specific situations and varying in the direction of liability protection:


Unilateral Hold Harmless Agreement: In a unilateral hold harmless agreement, one party assumes responsibility for potential losses, damages, or liabilities arising from a specific activity or situation. This type of agreement is often found in contracts where one party seeks indemnification from the other for any claims or actions brought against them.


Bilateral Hold Harmless Agreement: Unlike a unilateral agreement, bilateral hold harmless agreements involve mutual protections, with both parties agreeing not to hold each other liable for potential risks or damages. This reciprocal arrangement aims to ensure that neither party bears undue legal burdens resulting from the agreed-upon activity or transaction.

Intermediate Hold Harmless Agreement: Intermediate hold harmless agreements combine elements of both unilateral and bilateral agreements. Here, one party agrees to indemnify the other against certain specified risks or liabilities, while also receiving similar protections in return. This type of agreement offers a balanced approach to risk management, addressing the needs and concerns of both parties involved.

Common Situations for Use

Hold harmless agreements find application in a myriad of scenarios, including:

Landlord-Tenant Relationships: In lease agreements, landlords often include hold harmless clauses to protect themselves from liability arising from tenant activities on the premises, such as property damage or personal injury.

Construction Contracts: Contractors and subcontractors frequently utilize hold harmless agreements to allocate risks associated with construction projects, shielding each party from liability for accidents, delays, or defects.

Service Agreements: Service providers, such as consultants or maintenance contractors, may include hold harmless clauses in their contracts to limit liability for errors, omissions, or unforeseen circumstances during service delivery.

Event Participation Waivers: Organizers of events, sports activities, or recreational outings often require participants to sign hold harmless agreements, releasing the organizers from liability for injuries or accidents occurring during the event.

Key Elements

Hold harmless agreements typically encompass the following key elements:

Indemnification: Central to most hold harmless agreements is the concept of indemnification, wherein one party agrees to compensate the other for losses, damages, or liabilities incurred as a result of the specified activity or transaction.

Defense Costs: In addition to indemnification, hold harmless agreements may address legal defense costs, stipulating whether the party assuming liability is responsible for covering expenses related to legal representation and defense in case of claims or lawsuits.

Limitations of Liability: While hold harmless agreements provide valuable protection, they may also contain limitations on the scope of liability coverage, delineating specific scenarios or types of damages excluded from indemnification.

Legal Considerations

Several legal considerations surround hold harmless agreements:

State Laws: The enforceability and interpretation of hold harmless agreements are often subject to state laws, which may vary significantly. It’s crucial for parties to ensure that their agreements comply with applicable legal requirements and standards.

Public Policy Exceptions: Certain types of damages or instances of negligence may be deemed unenforceable under hold harmless agreements due to public policy considerations. For example, agreements attempting to absolve parties from liability for intentional misconduct or gross negligence may face legal challenges.


Sample language for hold harmless clauses in contracts may include:

Landlord-Tenant Agreement: “The tenant agrees to hold the landlord harmless from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from the tenant’s use or occupancy of the leased premises.”

Construction Contract: “The subcontractor shall indemnify and hold the contractor harmless from any losses, damages, or claims arising out of the subcontractor’s work on the construction project.”

Seeking Legal Advice

Given the complex legal implications of hold harmless agreements, it’s paramount for parties to seek professional legal advice before entering into any such agreements. A qualified attorney can provide invaluable guidance on drafting, negotiating, and interpreting hold harmless clauses to ensure that the parties’ interests are adequately protected and legal risks minimized.


In conclusion, hold harmless agreements serve as essential tools for managing and mitigating legal liabilities in various business and contractual relationships. Understanding the nuances of these agreements, along with seeking informed legal counsel, is crucial for navigating the intricate landscape of risk allocation and protection in today’s complex legal environment.


What is hold harmless under English law?

Hold harmless under English law refers to a legal provision where one party agrees not to hold another party liable for any damages, losses, or liabilities arising from a particular transaction or activity. It essentially protects one party from legal claims or actions initiated by the other party.

What are the three forms of hold harmless agreements?

The three forms of hold harmless agreements are broad form, intermediate form, and limited form. Broad form holds one party harmless from all liabilities, regardless of fault. Intermediate form holds one party harmless but only for liabilities caused by the other party’s negligence. Limited form holds one party harmless only for specific liabilities or risks.

What is the difference between indemnity and hold harmless agreements?

Indemnity agreements and hold harmless agreements both aim to protect parties from legal liabilities, but they differ in scope. An indemnity agreement requires one party to compensate the other for losses or damages incurred, while a hold harmless agreement simply prevents one party from holding the other liable for such losses or damages.


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